A new Star Wars game from a major PlayStation developer has the web flipping out

There has been an awakening...

Detroit: Become Human/Star Wars
(Image credit: Quantic Dream/Disney)

A new Star Wars game looks to be in development from Detroit: Become Human developer Quantic Dream, after several reports began to make their way out to the web over the weekend. While details for the minute are sparse, it's been claimed that the deal made by Quantic Dream and Disney will be for three games. 

The Paris-based studio is known for its dialogue-driven adventure games, so it's fair to assume that this new Star Wars title will follow suit. It's an interesting idea, a Star Wars game where every decision matters with multiple outcomes that could either lead to the light or dark side of the force. This is purely speculative but putting an emphasis on storytelling could yield a strong reception, especially after the mixed outcome of the recent film trilogy.

Details originally stemmed from French YouTuber Gautoz (via VGC), who spoke of Quantic Dream's involvement with the IP. He also mentioned that designer David Cage will helm the project. This was then corroborated by games journalist Tom Henderson, who posted an image to Twitter hinting at the game's existence. 

"They have now finished their contract with Sony and will be signing with Disney. It looks like they will be working on a Star Wars game," said Gautoz in the video.  

The most recent triple-A release to arrive in the Star Wars universe was Star Wars: Squadrons, a space combat adventure from EA that launched across PlayStation, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. This was part of the company's long-term exclusive partnership with LucasFilm that also brought about two Star Wars Battlefront titles as well as Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. LucasFilm went on to partner with Ubisoft in January this year, signalling that deal with EA had ended, with this new Quantic Dream game further adding to that credibility. 

Matt Poskitt
Freelance Writer

Matt is a freelance writer for T3, covering news and keeping up with everything games, entertainment, and all manner of tech. You can find his work across numerous sites across the web, including TechRadar, IGN, GamesRadar, Tom's Guide, Fandom, NME, and more. In his spare time, Matt is an avid cinema-goer, keen runner and average golfer (at best). You can follow him @MattPoskitt64