Apple Watch Series 6 won't launch with iPhone 12 - but it's good news

There won't be a lot of fanfare around the smartwatch, which is getting a surprise release date

Apple Watch Series 6 concept
(Image credit: ConceptsiPhone)

The Apple Watch Series 6 is still largely under wraps. We were given a briefing on the new watchOS 7 at Apple's WWDC keynote, but we've yet to see the wearable itself. We have heard a few titbits here and there that make it sound very intriguing - like the patent for a feature that could free it from the bonds of the iPhone - but in terms of price and a release date, we're still in the dark. 

However, a light has just broken through with an unexpected and exciting update about the Apple Watch 6. 

That light is good old Twitter leaker, Jon Prosser. In a tweet to his followers, Prosser dropped the release dates for Apple's upcoming 2020 lineup of devices, as well as sharing when they'll be revealed. 

The iPhone 12 reveal has been pushed back from September to a new October window - most likely so as not to leave a gap of a few weeks between the event and opening of pre-orders. 

Interestingly, the delay the smartphone has experienced won't impact the Apple Watch 6 at all. 

According to Prosser, the Apple Watch Series 6 will be 'revealed' along with the iPad 2020 via a press release, and both devices will launch during the second week of September, from the 7th onward.

The smartwatch is in for a ton of upgrades and improvements over last year's Apple Watch 5, with enhanced health and wellness functionality as well as some snazzy yoga features. You can check out the best Apple Watch right here. 


Shabana Arif

Shabana worked at as News Editor covering tech and gaming, and has been writing about video games for almost a decade (and playing them since forever). She's had bylines at major gaming sites during her freelance career before settling down here at T3, and has podcasts, streaming, and video content under her belt to boot. Outside of work, she also plays video games and should really think about expanding her hobbies. If you have any tech or gaming tips, shoot over an email or DM her on social media.