Best PS5 games deals this Amazon Prime Day – 5 top PlayStation titles I recommend

Top PlayStation 5 games bargains on sale this Prime Day

PS5 Games Amazon Prime Day deals
(Image credit: Future / Guerilla Games)

It's here! Amazon Prime Day has arrived and the shopping extravaganza is off to a flying start. There's still time to grab a bargain, of course, with the event running through until close of 12th July. And there's plenty available for gamers to get their hands on!

The T3 team of experts has been rounding up the best overall Amazon Prime Day Deals for 2023, but there are also special features for Best Amazon Prime Day Gaming Deals, too, which is well worth checking out if you're not only looking for titles to play on your latest console. 

Because that's exactly what this page is all about: dedicated to PlayStation 5 gaming solely, and only if at a low enough price point that you might have otherwise missed it. I've been scouring through the PS5 gaming section on Amazon and a batch of other reputable retailers (which are included where applicable) to see what the best-of-best deals are out there. Here are my top picks:

Horizon Forbidden West: was £69.99, now £42 at Amazon

Horizon Forbidden West: was £69.99, now £42 at Amazon

One of the best PS5 exclusives going – and a game I've loved playing for many dozens of hours (ok, more than a hundred now). The price was lower during Black Friday last year, but if you missed it then buying new is currently cheapest from Amazon directly. 

Uncharted Collection (PS4): was £14.99, now £8.99 at Amazon

Uncharted Collection (PS4): was £14.99, now £8.99 at Amazon

Ok, so this one's a bit cheeky as it's actually a PS4 package, but it'll play fine on your PS5. A great deal to get hold of the three classic Nathan Drake titles and revisit them, or explore them for the first time if you're a newbie. At this price, whichever of those you are, it's easily worth the cover price. 

Elden Ring (PS5): was £69.99, now £33.85 at

Elden Ring (PS5): was £69.99, now £33.85 at

When this game dropped in February this year people lost their marbles. Elden Ring became an instant classic, especially if you're into ultra-hard games that might make you want to throw your DualSense controller at the wall. And if you're not sure then, well, here's a discount to tempt you...

Sackboy A Big Adventure (PS5): was £59.99now £27.85 at

Sackboy A Big Adventure (PS5): was £59.99, now £27.85 at
You'll only find Sumo Digital's game exclusively on PlayStation (well, ok, and on PC), with the PS5 version giving you truly the best graphical playthrough. And while graphics aren't everything, this Sackboy adventure looks eye-wateringly beautiful at times. Now better than half-price, it's a criminally underrated PlayStation classic that's sugar-coated in sheer joy.

Stray (PS5): was £34.99, now £24.97 at Amazon

Stray (PS5): was £34.99, now £24.97 at Amazon

Meow! In Stray you play as a rogue feline, and while it's an indie game through and through it's been raucously received by fans and, um, cats alike (no, really). Less pricey than your typical A-list title, this little bit of magic is well worth a pop on PS5.

Mike Lowe
Tech Editor

Mike is the Tech Editor at He's been writing about consumer technology for 15 years and, as a phones expert, has seen hundreds of handsets over the years – swathes of Android devices, a smattering of iPhones, and a batch of Windows Phone too (remember those?). But that's not all, as a tech and audio aficionado his beat at T3 also covers tablets, laptops, gaming, home cinema, TVs, speakers and more – there's barely a tech stone unturned he's not had a hand on. Previously the Reviews Editor at Pocket-lint for 10 years, he's also provided work for publications such as Wired, The Guardian, Metro, and more. In addition to his tech knowledge, Mike is also a flights and travel expert, having travelled the globe extensively. You'll likely find him setting up a new mobile phone, critiquing the next MacBook, all while planning his next getaway... or cycling somewhere.