Horror fans propel 100%-rated Rotten Tomatoes movie to Netflix no.1 spot

Haunt is a movie I never want to see, but horror fans are loving it – propelling it to number one in Netflix's chart this week

Haunt (2019) movie still
(Image credit: Momentum Pictures)

It's okay, you can call me a wimp. That's because the new number one movie atop Netflix's chart this week is a bona fide horror flick that, well, I never want to see. Because, y'know, I like to get sleep at night. But I can see why it's a horror movie lover's dream ticket on the best streaming service (and just ahead of Valentine's Day, how apt/unfortunate?) 

The movie in question is Haunt, a 2019 movie from the writers of A Quiet Place and, among others, Eli Roth listed on the extensive list of producers. Netflix labels it with three phrases: "Gruesome. Violent. Teen Scream". Yup, that's it sealed for me, definitely never going to watch. But fans are absolutely loving it – as the ultra-rate 100% Rotten Tomatoes audience score goes to prove. 

The critics are less thrilled, though, with a less-than-stellar 70% rating on the same Rotten Tomatoes page. But since when did gruesome-for-the-hell-of-it movies land places as ultimate classics? Not exactly often. But when it's for the sake of a hellish thrill ride, I have horror-movie-loving friends who will be frothing at the mouth in anticipation of watching this one. No need to wait until Halloween, folks!

I know only too well how Eli Roth's movies can descend into what was first coined by the Saw movies as "torture porn": with Cabin Fever, Hostel, Grindhouse, Hostel 2, and more under the writer/producer/director's belt, if you've ever seen any one of those then you'll know the master of gore, suspense and psychological horror only too well. He is going a little more mainstream these days, though, with the forthcoming Borderlands gaming adaptation due out later this year. 

As you can see from the trailer up page and the selection of delightful images I've selected in the gallery above, Haunt certainly isn't messing about on the fright-o-meter scale. "Do you want to see my face?" says a scarily devil-masked dude at the end of the trailer. Um, no thanks, I'm good – but I know a whole bunch of you dear readers will absolutely go in for it. Good luck. 

As ever, however, I'm always pleased that Netflix is embracing variety. While Haunt isn't at the top of my personal list (read that as 'bottom'), it's clearly a hit among horror fans. If you're looking for something altogether less gore-fest and more sci-fi, however, then do check out a previous Netflix no.1 series, Bodies, which I think is well worth a watch. Or if Haunt has put you off Netflix entirely for a bit, then go have a glance at Amazon Prime Video's best streaming shows and movies for this month – there's a couple of feel-good ones in there, which is exactly what I now need...

Mike Lowe
Tech Editor

Mike is the Tech Editor at T3.com. He's been writing about consumer technology for 15 years and, as a phones expert, has seen hundreds of handsets over the years – swathes of Android devices, a smattering of iPhones, and a batch of Windows Phone too (remember those?). But that's not all, as a tech and audio aficionado his beat at T3 also covers tablets, laptops, gaming, home cinema, TVs, speakers and more – there's barely a tech stone unturned he's not had a hand on. Previously the Reviews Editor at Pocket-lint for 10 years, he's also provided work for publications such as Wired, The Guardian, Metro, and more. In addition to his tech knowledge, Mike is also a flights and travel expert, having travelled the globe extensively. You'll likely find him setting up a new mobile phone, critiquing the next MacBook, all while planning his next getaway... or cycling somewhere.