Nintendo says it didn't make the Switch OLED for me, and I'm actually glad to hear it

The Nintendo Switch OLED announcement has had mixed reactions, but it boils down to 'don't get it if you don't like it'

Nintendo Switch OLED
(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Nintendo Switch OLED was announced this week and the incremental changes in the hardware have left some people fuming. But a Nintendo exec has pointed out the obvious – if you already have a Nintendo Switch, this isn't for you.

Nintendo product marketing manager, JC Rodrigo, has chimed in on the dialogue over on Twitter to clarify that if the announcement hasn't got you excited, that's fine. After all, this isn't the Nintendo Switch Pro that everyone has been waiting for – there are no internal upgrades. It has a nicer display, a few other tweaks, and that's about it.

After sharing the Nintendo Switch OLED ad, commenting on how pretty the screen is, Rodrigo was asked if the system runs any better than the existing model. He replied, "Nope. Not what’s for. Stick with the current one if you’re not digging the screen." He was also asked about whether or not the screen brightness was any better, but left the inquisitive Nintendo fan with the recommendation that they should see it for themselves, but added, "It’s nicer than I thought it would be."

Unless it wasn't abundantly clear with the announcement, this isn't the Pro model we've heard rumors about. And the existence of this console doesn't preclude the release of a 4K Switch. The Nintendo Switch OLED is firmly directed at owners of the OG Switch who didn't get the refreshed model; avid fans who have the budget and desire to snap it up; or people who don't own the console already.

Getting angry about its release is nonsensical, frankly, and operates on the assumption that you're the target demographic. If the Nintendo Switch OLED isn't resonating with you because you don't care about the OLED display, or the handful of other small changes being implemented, then keep hold of your current model. It's okay to skip a Nintendo hardware launch if you're happy with the version of the console you have at home. And you don't even have to get angry about it.  

I have an OG Switch and it still does the job perfectly. I'm not enamoured with the OLED model, so I simply won't buy it. It's clearly not for me, and that's absolutely fine. 

Shabana Arif

Shabana worked at as News Editor covering tech and gaming, and has been writing about video games for almost a decade (and playing them since forever). She's had bylines at major gaming sites during her freelance career before settling down here at T3, and has podcasts, streaming, and video content under her belt to boot. Outside of work, she also plays video games and should really think about expanding her hobbies. If you have any tech or gaming tips, shoot over an email or DM her on social media.