I'm suddenly much more enthused about buying an Apple AR/VR headset

If like me you're excited by the prospect of Apple's AR/VR headset but fear the price, this could be good news

Apple AR headset render
(Image credit: AppleInsider)

The Apple AR/VR headset is expected to launch in January 2023, which isn't very far away – but for me at least the price means it's not going to be coming to my home any time soon. It's expected to cost more than even the most expensive next-generation Oculus VR headset, with reports suggesting it could be $3,000 or even more.

I didn't expect Apple's AR headset to be cheap, but at the cost of three iPhone 13 Pro phones it's way beyond anything I can afford. So I'm relieved to hear that Apple is also working on a much more affordable version.

That's the good news. The bad? You'll have to wait quite some time for it.

Apple's working on v2 of its AR/VR headset before the v1 even launches

Tech firms plan many years ahead, so it makes sense that Apple is already working on the second generation of its AR/VR headset before the first one has even been launched. According to Ming-Chi Kuo, whose crystal ball is very good at reporting from Apple's future, the Apple AR/VR 2 will be launched in the first half of 2025. 

The first generation headset is just one model, but the second generation will be two: one high end one, and one more affordable model. That second model will be crucial if Apple's going to hit the sales targets Kuo quotes of 10 million units in 2025 or 2026: while that doesn't sound like a lot compared to the 200-odd-million iPhones Apple sells every year, that's a seriously huge number of headsets and more than the current market leader, Oculus, is doing – and Oculus devices don't cost three K either.

It's weird to be reporting on the second generation of a device that we know virtually nothing about, pun fully intended: Apple seems incredibly confident that its AR/VR headset is going to be a game changer, and that alone means I'm fascinated by this mysterious product.  I can't wait for the inevitable leaks we'll see later this year as the headset gets closer to its launch date.

Carrie Marshall

Writer, musician and broadcaster Carrie Marshall has been covering technology since 1998 and is particularly interested in how tech can help us live our best lives. Her CV is a who’s who of magazines, newspapers, websites and radio programmes ranging from T3, Techradar and MacFormat to the BBC, Sunday Post and People’s Friend. Carrie has written more than a dozen books, ghost-wrote two more and co-wrote seven more books and a Radio 2 documentary series; her memoir, Carrie Kills A Man, was shortlisted for the British Book Awards. When she’s not scribbling, Carrie is the singer in Glaswegian rock band Unquiet Mind (unquietmindmusic).