Star Wars Day just got won by this real life working lightsaber

Mind = blown

Star Wars Day lightsaber
(Image credit: Disney)

Holy moly! Now this is what Star Wars Day is all about. Yes, we're stoked for watching a load of Star Wars content on Disney Plus, and yes we're getting hyped for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2, and yes we're mixing ourselves a jug of Ruby bliel, but everything else has just faded into insignificance thanks to the reveal of this awesome real-life retractable lightsaber.

The retractable lightsaber was revealed on the official Disney Parks Twitter account to celebrate Star Wars Day, and shows a girl dressed as Star Wars hero Rey powering on the weapon while Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey in the Star Wars movies, provides a short voice over.

This is the retractable lightsaber that Disney had told everyone was coming, and now we've got our first look at how it works and looks.

Check out the full post below:

What isn't clear from the video is if the lightsaber is a toy, prop or one-off piece of kit that is exclusive to the Disney Parks. We also only see the lightsaber extend with a blue color, so it is unclear as to if the lightsaber can change color or if it will be available in different colors.

Here at T3 we certainly hope that this retractable lightsaber isn't a one-off as, simply put, it looks like every Star Wars fan's dream acquisition. Up till now we've seen collectible lightsaber hilts made available to buy that don't have any blade, a smorgasbord of cheap plastic toy lightsabers, and some more expensive toy collectibles that have non-retractable blades that light up.

However, we've never had a retracting lightsaber that also lights up and looks this good. It actually looks like a lightsaber and, aside from travelling to a galaxy far, far away, it looks like our best chance of wielding the weapon of a more civilized age.

Just imagine the popularity of these things if released to the market? All the famous lightsabers from all of the movies could be sold, including the double-blade weapon of Episode 1 big bad Darth Maul. Come on Disney, do what everyone wants and make this retractable lightsaber a reality for fans all the way around the world.

Robert Jones

Rob has been writing about computing, gaming, mobile, home entertainment technology, toys (specifically Lego and board games), smart home and more for over 15 years. As the editor of PC Gamer, and former Deputy Editor for, you can find Rob's work in magazines, bookazines and online, as well as on podcasts and videos, too. Outside of his work Rob is passionate about motorbikes, skiing/snowboarding and team sports, with football and cricket his two favourites.