This smart gardening tool has made my indoor plants thrive

Click & Grow has stopped me from killing my plants, herbs and vegetables

Click & Grow
(Image credit: Amazon)

As smart technology takes over the home, the same can be said for the garden. Designed to make those tedious gardening jobs easier, the best robot lawn mowers, smart watering systems, soil moisture sensors and much more have become staples in many people’s homes.

For the month of May, T3 ran Outdoor Living Month, covering camping, hiking, cooking, gardening, and pretty much every activity you can do outside. But what about inside?

For people with a limited garden or no outdoor space at all, it can be hard to fully immerse yourself into gardening and planting. But that’s where smart gardening technology makes things slightly easier. After much research, I found a smart gardening tool for people who want to grow their own hanging baskets, herb gardens or vegetable patches in the comfort of their homes.

Enter: Click & Grow. Click & Grow smart indoor gardens and plant pots are perfect for people with limited or no access to the outdoors but who still want to flex their green thumbs. Inspired by NASA technology, the Click & Grow smart gardens contain Smart Soil which creates the perfect environment for plants, herbs and vegetables.

The Smart Soil is paired with an automated system, similar to that of automatic garden hoses that come on via a timer. This combination distributes water evenly, so the plant roots have access to water at all times, while ensuring they’re getting the right water, oxygen and nutrients to help them grow.

Depending on which one you choose, you can grow three plants at a time in one smart garden box, including tomatoes, lettuce, basil, strawberries and more. The base of the Click & Grow smart gardens contains a refillable water tank and the top of the unit has a grow light that stays on for several hours a day.

Click & Grow

(Image credit: Amazon)

While I love having plants around my home, I’m not very good at keeping them alive. I’ve been wanting to grow plants, herbs and vegetables in my garden for some time, but before I head to my local gardening store and buy too many packets of seeds, I thought I’d look into Click & Grow, since I keep accidentally killing my plants.

One of the best things about Click & Grow is that it completely takes care of watering, lighting and caring for you. I’m not sure if my problems are overwatering, lack of dusting or placement issues, so having a smart garden that looks after everything definitely gives me peace of mind.

That’s not to say that you can’t be involved in the gardening process. Firstly, you need to remember to fill up the water tank regularly and adjust the lamp heights where necessary. But more than that, you can keep an eye on your plant’s growth by connecting your smart garden to an app.

There are many different types of Click & Grow smart gardens available, including The Smart Garden 9 Pro and the Click & Grow 25, both of which are app-controlled models. The app helps you to maintain a 5-week growth and harvest cycle, while also allowing you to set lighting schedules, adjust the lights and check the humidity.

The slight drawback to this type of technology is the price. As somewhat expected, this smart gardening tech is on the higher end of the spectrum, with the Smart Garden 9 Pro costing £249.95 and the Click & Grow 25 setting you back £749.95 at Click & Grow and select retailers like Amazon. But if you’re a perpetual plant killer or a ‘crazy plant person’, then Click & Grow could definitely upgrade your indoor planting.

Bethan Girdler-Maslen
Home Editor

Beth is Home Editor for T3, looking after style, living and wellness. From the comfiest mattresses to what strange things you can cook in an air fryer, Beth covers sleep, yoga, smart home, coffee machines, grooming tools, fragrances, gardening and much more. If it's something that goes in your house, chances are Beth knows about it and has the latest reviews and recommendations! She's also in the know about the latest deals and discount codes from top brands and retailers.

Having always been passionate about writing, she’s written for websites, newspapers and magazines on a variety of topics, from jewellery and culture, to food and telecoms. You can find her work across numerous sites, including Wedding Ideas Magazine, Health & Wellbeing, The Bristol Post, Fashion & Style Directory, TechRadar, CreativeBloq and more. In her spare time, Beth enjoys running, reading, baking and attempting craft projects that will probably end in disaster!